GHC 2022 was an unforgettable week! It was crazy yet also super empowering seeing over 15,000+ women gathered together to celebrate tech and network with one another. I came to know a lot of other talented and ambitious girls from around the world, and even became closer with the attendees from Waterloo. One of my favourite events of the week was an after-hours event held by Citadel at the Orlando Science Center! Aside from the great food, swag, and a super cool VR Space Simulation activity, we got to listen in on a panel between Dr. Cady Coleman (Former NASA Astronaut & Former US Air Force Colonel) and Dr. Christina Kreisch (Quantitative Researcher @ Citadel). Some of my key takeaways from their conversation are:

  1. Focus on the mission. Find a team of people who are just as passionate about achieving similar goals to you, and do not let challenges stray you away from your mission.
  2. Learn to get comfortable in the uncomfortable.
  3. Everyone comes from different backgrounds and each have their own expertise to bring to the table.
  4. When faced with challenges or unfavourable circumstances, it is often more productive to adapt to them rather than to protest against it.
  5. Be brave to share your opinion whilst also being open to constructive feedback.
  6. Take care of your mental wellness and have a healthy balance in life so that you can bring your 100% everyday.
  7. “Be yourself so people looking for you can find you”



2A Computer Science